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Cyren Security Blog

The Cyren Security Blog is where Cyren engineers and thought leaders provide insights, research and analysis on a range of current cybersecurity topics.

Dating spam moves with the times

“Dating spam” – that’s what we call it. I mean, on the surface that’s what these emails seem to be offering. Last year we described the return to ASCII-art spam that promoted dating sites.

Of course spammers and the products that they promote must move with the times. So, as a public service we bring you the current state of the art in dating spam product – promoting a nicely designed mobile Web interface to help set up er… dates.

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Phishing with QR codes

Don’t Scan or be Scammed By Maharlito Aquino, Kervin Alintanahin and Dexter To In 1994, a type of the matrix barcode known as the Quick Response code, now widely known as QR code, was invented by Masahiro Hara from a Japanese company Denso Wave. The purpose of the...